JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The so-called LBH APIK legal aid institution has today (Feb. 2) reported Masinton Pasaribu, a PDI-P politician and member of the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III, to the DPR’s Ethics Council (MKD) due to an assault allegation over his female expert staff, Dita Aditia Ismawati.

The LBH APIK has also provided evidences and documents to complete their report against Masinton.

Ratna Bantara Mukti, the director of the LBH APIK, urged the MKD to impose a hard sanction to Masinton if later they found the PDI-P lawmaker is guilty.

Previously, Dita has already reported Masinton to the National Police’s Criminal Investigation Division (Bareskrim POLRI) for hitting her right eye twice back in January 21, 2016, evening.

Masinton, however, has denied all accusations made against him. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)