JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – President Joko “Jokowi”Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla are scheduled to attend the opening of the two-day national leaders’meeting (Mukernas) of the National Awakening Party’s (PKB) on Friday (Feb. 5).

The PKB Rakernas will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) in Senayayan, Central Jakarta.

A number of cabinet members, high-ranking State officials, and the chairmen of political parties from the ruling coalition will also attending the Mukernas.

PKB is now one of members of the ruling coalition alongside of PDI-P, Nasdem, PAN, Hanura, and PKPI. The Party is strongly affiliated to the Nadhlatul Ulama (NU), the largest Muslim organization in the country.

PKB controls four portfolios in Jokowi-Kalla cabinet, among others, Ministry of Village, Disadvantaged Regions & Transmigration; Ministry of Manpower; Ministry of Research, Technology & High Education; and Ministry of Youth & Sports. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)