Suramadu Toll Tariff Cut

JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Ministry for Public Works & Public Housing (PUPR) cuts toll tariff for Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu bridge section), to support the economic growth of Madura region. The movement of people and goods through Suramadu bridge toll section...

Geely Sales Up 2% in January

HONG KONG (Yosefardi) – Geely Automobile Holdings Limited’s total sales volume for the month of January 2016 was 60,093 units, an increase of approximately 2% over the same period last year and up approximately 12% from December 2015. The Group’s exports volume was...

Pertamina Adds One Oil Tanker

JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – State oil and gas firm PT Pertamina has Wednesday (Jan. 27) is set to receive one new oil tanker (MT Sanggau), an echo ship concept, with 40,000 long ton dead weight (LTDW), valuing for US$31 million, equivalent Rp42.78 billion. This oil...