JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Ministry for Public Works & Public Housing (PUPR) cuts toll tariff for Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu bridge section), to support the economic growth of Madura region.
The movement of people and goods through Suramadu bridge toll section is considered more efficient and faster, compared to sea transportation or ships.
Below is the detail of tariff cut;
Gol I : Rp30,000 (old) – Rp15,000 (new)
Gol II : Rp45,000 – Rp22,500
Gol III : Rp60,000 – Rp30,000
Gol IV : Rp75,000 – Rp37,500
Gol V : Rp90,000 – Rp45,000
Gol VI : Rp3,000 – Rp0 (free)