BOGOR (Yosefardi) – Former Minister of Law & Human Rights Yusril Ihza Mahendra has been elected as the new chairman of the Muslim-based Crescent-Star Party (PBB) replacing MS Kaban.

Yusril, who is also former Minister of State Secretary, was elected as new PBB chairman during the Party’s congress held in Bogor, West Java, on Sunday (Apr. 26).

Graduated from the University of Indonesia’s School of Law, Yusril is remain listed as a state administrative law professor at his almamater.

Yusril served as Minister of Law & Human Rights under the two administrations of Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) and Megawati Soekarnoputri respectively. He also served as Minister of State Secretary under the administration of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) – Jusuf Kalla (JK).

Yusril is also known as lawyer of Harry Tanoesoedibjo, media mogul and chairman of Perindo Party, and Aburizal “Ical” Bakrie, chairman of Golkar Party. He defends Ical’s Golkar in a legal battle at the State Administrative Court (PTUN) against another Golkar Party led by Agung Laksono. (