JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk (WOM Finance) booked net proft of Rp66.35 billion in 2013, compared to Rp7.63 billion in 2012.

Revenue declined to Rp1.58 trillion from previous Rp1.61 trillion. Cost also fell to Rp1.49 trillion from earlier Rp1.58 trillion. Its assets totaled Rp3.83 trillion while liability amounted Rp3.32 trillion.

WOMF plans to issue bond worth Rp1 trillion early this year, part of its Rp2.5 trillion bond program. The company targets to book financing of Rp6 trillion this year, a 8.3% rise compared to Rp5.5 trillion targeted for last year.