SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Straits Resources Ltd examines various start-up scenarios to resume operations of Mt Muro gold mine in Central Kalimantan.

Operation of the gold mine has been suspended since Saturday (June 29) following the incident at the mine, where, according to Straits, illegal miners caused damage to several buildings, vehicles, and equipment.

“Due to the current suspension of operations, we brought forward planned maintenance work on the mill and coal-fired power station. Various start-up scenarios are being examined and we are aiming to finalize a plan in the coming week,” said Andre Labuschagne, executive chairman of Straits.

Mr Labuschagne was on site this week to meet governor of Central Kalimantan and other officers.

“The major damage sustained was to several key buildings in the camp and the mining office plus fourteen light vehicles, which are no longer serviceable. All major mining equipment is intact…the site is quickly returning to normal,” Straits informed shareholders this morning.