JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – GSF Parameswara has been awarded a two-year contract extension for work offshore Indonesia at a dayrate of $136,000 or about $99 million contract backlog.

Transocean, owner of the rig, said Parameswara’s prior contract dayrate was US$122,000. Transocean provided no further information about the customer.

Earlier reports, however, pointed to Total Indonesie, operator of Mahakam Block in East Kalimantan, as customer of GSF Parameswara until December 2012.

Transocean is a leading provider of offshore contract drilling services for oil and gas wells. The company owns or has partial ownership interests in, and operates a fleet of, 111 mobile offshore drilling units consisting of 48 High-Specification Floaters (Ultra-Deepwater, Deepwater and Harsh-Environment drilling rigs), 25 Midwater Floaters, nine High-Specification Jackups, 32 Standard Jackups and one swamp barge. (bintang@theindonesiatoday.com)