JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera (TPS) Food Tbk (AISA) booked profit attributable to equity of Rp255.96 billion in first half of 2016, grew by 30.6% from Rp195.96 billion in the corresponding period of 2015.
Net sales increased 13% to Rp3.57 trillion from previous Rp3.16 trillion. Operating profit jumped 62% to Rp614 billion from earlier Rp378 billion.
The company’s assets reached Rp8.08 trillion while liability amounted Rp4.23 trillion. It has cash and cash equivalent of Rp559 billion.
Cash generated from operation rose 18% to Rp150 billion. While spending on investment dropped 65.8% to Rp226 billion from Rp661 billion spent during first half of 2015.