JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – Food producer PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera (TPS) Food Tbk (AISA) has acquired PT Tandan Abadi Mandiri (TAM), a crude palm oil plantation company based in Jambi, Sumatera.

Yulianni Liyuwardi, AISA’s corporate secretary, said the acquisition is made through TPS’ units; PT Muara Bungo Plantation and PT Tugu Palma Sumatera.

TPS earlier said it plans to add land bank to 200,000 hectares within next 2-3 years, from current 79,000 hectares of land bank. “We also plan to add planted area to 20,000 hectares by end of this year from current 12,000 hectares,” Yulanni said.

She added the company targets to acquire land bank for crude oil plantation in West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and Sumatera.

TPS targets to book sales of Rp3 trillion this year, of which processed food contributes Rp1.5 trillion of total sales and rice business contributes Rp1.4 trillion. (hans@theindonesiatoday.com)