KUALA LUMPUR (Yosefardi) – Texchem Resources Bhd. (TRB) has been notified by its agent that they have on 21 August 2013 submitted a Notarial Deed No. 15 dated 21 August 2013 for and on behalf of PT. Technopia Nomos (formerly known as PT. Technopia Lever) [PTTN], a wholly-owned subsidiary of TRB, for the purposes of commencing a voluntary winding up proceedings against PTTN to the Minister of Law And Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the Company Law of Indonesia.

PTTN is a limited liability company duly established on 19 September 2002, engaged in the distribution, import and export of antimosquito and insect repellent equipment.

PTTN has ceased its commercial operation on 1 October 2012 and is a dormant company since then. PTTN is not a major subsidiary of TRB.

PTTN has an authorised share capital of IDR75 billion comprising 75,000 ordinary shares of IDR1 million per share and an issued and paid-up share capital of IDR75 billion comprising 75,000 ordinary shares of IDR1 million per share.

As at 31 December 2012, the book value of investment by TRB in PPTN is RM1,876,872. PTTN suffered a loss of IDR890,059,000 (RM293,720 as reported in TRB’s financial statements) and a net asset of IDR8,027,749,000 (RM2,568,879 as reported in TRB’s financial statements) for the financial year ended 31 December 2012.