JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Supreme Court (MA) has released Hendra Saputra, an office boy at PT Imaji Media Jakarta owned by the son of former Minister Syarief Hasan Riefan Avrian, from prison.

The Court’s decision was taken on Wednesday (Jan. 20) by panel of judges comprises of Artidjo Alkostar as presiding judge and Krisna Harahap dan MS Lumme as judge members.

The panel of judges, in their consideration, concluded that Hendra was only used and manipulated by his boss Riefan Avrian.

Previously, the lower court has sentenced Hendra Saputra to one year in the graft case related to the procurement project of Rp23.4 billion multimedia digital advertisement (videotron) at the Ministry of Cooperative & Small-Medium Enterprises (KUKM).

Riefan Avrian, meanwhile, has been jailed to six years in prison in the same case. Riefan, during the trial, confessed that he ordered his office boy, Hendra Saputra, to sign the contract of the videotron procurement project between PT Imaji Media and the KUKM Ministry, at that time led by his father. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)