PERTH (Indonesia Today) – Sumatera Gold & Copper reported that fresh high-grade gold and silver assays point to the possible discovery of the new zone of mineralization at its Tambang Gold-Silver in South Sumatera.

The result are considered significant because any additional resources which stemmed from this zone would easily and economically accessed via the planet Belinau underground decline development. Mining at Balinau is excepted started during the December 2013 quarter.

Two exploration holes , RDD 13218 and RDD 1319, were completed in April 2013 to test potential northerly vein intersection or flat lying splay of the main lode. Asseys has been received for the first of these holes.

Hole RDD 13218 was drilled to a depth of 125 meters and intersected a zone of typical high graded banded epithermal quartz veining from 71.2 meters to 72.6 meters down-hole. A wide interval of quartz calcite stockworks was also intersected from 72.64 meters to 105 meters. The hole has been ended in mineralization.

Hole RDD 1319 was drilled approximately 50 meters to the north west of RDD 13218 to a depth 143 meters and intersected two narrow zone of quartz-caltice stockworks from 84.25 to 84.70 meters. (