JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Ministry of Transportation temporarily closed the operation of seven airports following the eruption of Kelud Volcano in Kediri, East Java province.

That 7 airports being closed are;

1. Juanda International Airport (Surabaya)
2. Abdurrahman Saleh Airport (Malang)
3. Adi Sucipto Airport (Yogyakarta)
4. Adi Sumarno Airport (Solo)
5. Ahmad Yani Airport (Semarang)
6. Tunggul Wulung Airport (Cilacap)
7. Husein Sastranegara Airport (Bandung)

The operation of Husein Sastranegara Airport and Tunggul Wulung Airport are closed today while another five airports would be closed until Saturday (Feb 15).

As reported earlier, Kelud Volcano has erupted on Thursday (Feb. 13) night at around 10:50 pm of local time. About 200,000 residents living within a ten-kilometers radius of Kelud Volcano have been evacuated. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)