JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Romahurmuziy aka Romi, the chairman of PPP as per result of the 2014 chairmanship congress (Muktamar) in Surabaya (East Java), visited the private residence of Djan Faridz, the other chairman of PPP as per result of the 2014 Jakarta Muktamar, to settle the Party’s internal conflict and to reunite the Party.

The meeting between Romi and Djan Faridz at Djan’s private residence in Jalan Borobudur, Central Jakarta, was held on Thursday (Jan. 28) evening at around 10:00 pm.

In said meeting, Romi was accompanied by Emron Pangkapi. They were present in the meeting in their capacity as the secretary general and the acting party chairman of PPP as per result of the 2011 Bandung Muktamar. Djan, meanwhile, was accompanied by Ahmad Dimyati Natakusumah and Humphrey Djemat.

Previously, Romi and Emron told the press that the PPP leadership as per result of the 2011 Bandung Muktamar will hold a new Muktamar in April 2016 in order to elect a new PPP chairman as well as to reunite the Party.

The decision to hold a new Muktamar was taken following the decision of the Minister of Law & Human Rights that revoked his recognition over Romi’s PPP and also refused to legitimize Djan’s PPP. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)