SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – RH Petrogas Limited, through its units Petrogas (Island) Ltd and RHP Salawati Island BV, has commenced drilling of the Koi-2 appraisal well on 29 November 2013 using the Bohai-8 jack up rig in the offshore area of the Salawati Kepala Burung PSC, West Papua, Indonesia.

Located in shallow water depth of 32 meters, the well is planned to reach a total vertical measured depth of 1,402 meters. It is anticipated that drilling of the well will take approximately 21 days.

RH Petrogas has an aggregate 33.21% working interes in the Island PSC, covering an area of 1,097 km2. The other partner in the Island PSC are PetroChina International Kepala Burung Ltd (16.79%) and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Salawati (50%).