SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Raya Group Limited currently is awaiting approval from state electricity firm PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) on the transmission line study tariff proposal for Sokoria Geothermal project with negotiations still ongoing.

Raya Group and Bakrie continued information discussions with a large European Power group to discuss potential involvement with Sokoria Project.

Sokoria Geothermal Project is a joint venture with PT Bakrie Power, for a 30 MW geothermal development on Flores Island, with Raya Group holding a 45% interest in the project.

Raya Group also holds 35% interest in Ngebel Geothermal Project, joint venture with Bakrie Power, for a 165 MW geothermal development on East Java.

Raya Group also holds 51% interest in Dairi Prima Geothermal Project, joint venture with Bakrie Power, for a 25 MW geothermal development in Northern Sumatra.