JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The ten factions of political parties at the House of Representatives (DPR) have been remain divided over the Bill on the Tax Amnesty proposed by the administration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

The latest consultative meeting between the ten factions of political parties at the DPR has decided to delay the discussion of the Tax Amnesty bill.

According to the Secretary of Golkar’s faction Aziz Syamsudin, the decision to delay the discussion of the Tax Amnesty bill was taken after four factions requested a consultative meeting to be held first with President Jokowi. While six other factions were actually demanded to continue the discussion.

Aziz, however, didn’t mentioned four factions that asked to delay the discussion and requesting a consultative meeting with President Jokowi.

Previously, it was only Gerindra and Democratic Party that rejected the Tax Amnesty bill. But then PKS also expressed their rejection over the bill.

Seven other factions, meanwhile, supported the bill, they are, PDI-P, Golkar, PKB, PAN, PPP, Nasdem, and Hanura.

President Jokowi want to implement tax amnesty bill in order to boost tax revenues. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)