JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Reservoir revitalization project in Pluit, North Jakarta, has been short-listed as one of the nomination of 2014 Guangzhou International Urban Innovation Award, which is held by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), World Association of Major Metropolises and also Guangzhou Municipal Government.

According the official website of Guangzhou Award, the assessment of jury stated that the revitalization is seen as a way to address climate change in a social conscious way, which include the government partnership with a corporate sector that is expected to benefit in new and less threatened property development. Until today, Jakarta has received up to 12.21% of online votes from website visitors.

Other than Jakarta, the jury also shortlisted other 14 cities from 14 countries including Dakar of Senegal with its municipal finance program; Eskishir of Turkey with its memory museum program; Hamburg of Germany with its socially inclusive zero carbon neighborhood transformation program; and also Melbourne of Australia with its green infrastructure program.

It is unclear how many participants have registered for the 2014 Guangzhou Award. It needs to be noted that the Guangzhou Award will be granted to 5 winners together with 20,000 USD of cash, a trophy and also a certificate. The Guangzhou Award is held biennially. (oktofani@yosefardi.com)