JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – State utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) suffered loss of Rp30.9 trillion in 2013 due to foreign exchange (forex) loss of Rp30 trillion.

PLN’s debt totaled Rp466 trillion as of December 31, 2013, of which 30% is foreign currency loans. It booked operating income of Rp258 trillion last year and operating profit of Rp34.7 trillion.

PLN targets to book operating profit of Rp41 trillion this year. The company also targets to book net profit of Rp11.3 trillion. Its assets totaled Rp604 trillion while equity reached Rp138 trillion.

PLN plans to invest Rp57.4 trillion this year, mostly funded by loan of Rp38.8 trillion.