JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has asked the General Election Commission (KPU) to postpone the 2014 Legislative Election as the problems on the Final List of Voters (DPT) are not addressed or resolved yet. The Legislative Election is scheduled to be held on April 9, 2014.

Kompas.com reported that PKS worries that the current problematic final voter list might create political hullabaloo.

“If KPU cannot address the existing problem (on the DPT) on time, they should think option of postponing the 2014 Legislative Election. It’s not easy because it will implicats the process of election,” said Mahfudz Siddiq, Deputy Secretary General of PKS, as quoted by Kompas.com on Monday (Dec. 2).

Mahfudz said KPU is now seriously addressing the existing problems on the final voter list, then he asked all related parties to help KPU.

As reported earlier, KPU has yet to address the existing problems on the final voter list while more reports come to surface complaining of the accuracy of the list. previously, KPU released the final voter list on November 4, 2013 neglecting existing problems, including the 10.4 million problematic voters registered without NIK. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)