JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – PDI-P, third largest party in the House of Representatives (DPR), claims a victory in the election of West Kalimantan governor.

Cornelis, head of PDI-P in West Kalimantan province, who is also incumbent governor, said that based on a quick count by Rekode, he wins 51.5% votes in the election held Thursday.??Competitors Armyn Ali Anyang gets 17.6% votes, Morkes Effendi 24.6%, and Abang Tambul Husin 6.4%.

West Kalimantan province is home to oil palm plantations and bauxite mining. Cornelis won 2007 election with strong support from PDI-P.??

In Jakarta, PDI-P has its cadre Joko ‘Jokowi’??Widodo as the likely new governor of Jakarta. Quick counts from almost all pollsters pointed to his lead in the race. (haryanto@theindonesiatoday.com)