JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The National Mandate Party (PAN) puts its party chairman Hatta Rajasa as running mate of presidential candidate offered to either PDI-P or Gerindra Party.

PAN Deputy Chairman Dradjad Wibowo told Detik.com on Wednesday (Feb. 12) that his party is thinking around three scenarios for the future of Hatta Rajasa in the July’s presidential election.

“Everything is still open. It could be Megawati and Hatta, Prabowo and Hatta, or Jokowi and Hatta,” Dradjad said.

Dradjad claimed that PAN has maintained a good communication with those parties, also with Jokowi.

Hatta Rajasa currently serves as Coordinating Minister for Economy and also known as father-in-law of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s youngest son. Hatta might be eager to enter the presidential race. Previously, Hatta failed to become the running mate of SBY as SBY preffered Boediono.(haryantos@yosefardi.biz)