JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – M Ikhlas El Qudsi, lawmaker from National Mandate Party (PAN), whose chairman is Hatta Rajasa (coordinating minister for the economy), demands an apology from minister of state-owned enterprises Dahlan Iskan.

Ikhlas objected his name included in the ‘list of lawmakers extorting’ state-owned enterprises submitted by Dahlan to the Ethics Council of the House of Representatives (DPR).

“First of all, I need an official clarification. It is about dignity,” said Ikhlas as quoted by Detik.com this morning.

Ikhlas said he never committed such extortion. “I want Dahlan to disclose where and when I met Merpati directors. Personally I have forgiven him. As a minister, he is careless. As PAN member, I will send subpoena in 7×24 hours, asking Dahlan to apologize in media,” he said.

Nine lawmakers, including three from President SBY’s Demokrat Party, have reportedly been alleged of extorting executives of state companies. (haryanto@theindonesiatoday.com)