JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Infamous lawyer Otto Cornelis Kaligis is facing his first trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court on Thursday (Aug. 20) as suspect in a bribery scandal implicating judges at the State Administrative Court (PTUN) of Medan and Governor of North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho.

The trial will be lead by panel of judges comprises of Sumpeno as presiding judge and Arifin, Tito Suhud, Alexander Marwata, and Ugo as members.

As reported earlier, KPK has named OC Kaligis as one of suspects in this case. KPK has detained OC Kaligis since July 14, 2015.

Other than OC Kaligis, KPK has also named six other people as suspects. They are M Yagari Bhastara Guntur aka Gerry (a lawyer at OC Kaligis law firm), Tripeni Irianto Putro (Head of the PTUN Medan), Amir Fauzi (judge at the PTUN Medan), Dermawan Ginting (judge at the PTUN Medan), Syamsir Yusfan (a registrar at the PTUN Medan), and Governor Gatot Pujo Nugroho. The first five names were caught red-handed in a bribery transaction in Medan.

OC Kaligis himself has filed a pre-trial motion to the South Jakarta District Court demanding the court to cancel KPK’s decision on naming him as suspect. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)