JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Former Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Setya Novanto, who is also a lawmaker from Golkar Party, has today (Feb. 4) finally answered the call from the Attorney General Office (AGO) for examination session related to further investigation into his scandalous meetings with the former CEO of Freeport Indonesia and businessman Muhammad Riza Chalid.

The AGO’s chief for special crimes Arminsyah confirmed to the press about Novanto’s visit to the AGO’s office in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. According to Arminsyah, Novanto has arrived since  around 8:04 am of Jakarta time.

Arminsyah said it’s the first examination session for Novanto in his capacity as a witness to the scandal.

Previously, Novanto already refused to answer the AGO’s call for third times. Latest, back in Jan. 27, 2016, he asked the AGO to postpone his questioning session for two weeks.

The AGO has not yet name any suspect in this scandal. But the scandal has forced Novanto to resign from his position at the DPR’s Speakership. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)