JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Several Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) along with a group of academicians, young politicians, and journalists have launched a joint working committee to watch the officers from the Indonesian Military (TNI), the Police, and the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) ahead, during, and after the April’s Legislative and the July’s Presidential Elections.

Haris Azhar, Coordinator of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), told Kompas.com on Monday (Feb. 10) that the working committee is necessary needed to keep the security and intelligence officers to remain neutral.

“We want the celebration of democracy or the elections is really the celebration. Do not let this to turn into a chaos and be messed up by the act of the security officers itself,” Haris said.

Police, military and intelligence agency are the strategic institutions with crucial roles for the 2014 elections. The doubt over the neutrality of these corps on the election is there although National Police Chief, Military Commander, and the BIN Head have repeatedly ensured the public.(haryantos@yosefardi.biz)