JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Syariefuddin Hasan, Minister of Cooperatives & Small-Medium Enterprises and Daily Executive Chairman of President SBY’s Democratic Party, denies rumor on a sexual affairs between his youngest wife and son which widely circulated over the web.

Syarief has reported a twitter account, @triomacan2000, to the Jakarta Police office over its alleged slandering-tweets. Syarief accused the owner of twitter account @triomacan2000 has spreaded defamation against his family by tweeting sexual affairs between Syarief’s youngest wife, Ingrid Kansil, and his first son from different wife.
Ingrid is lawmaker from Democratic Party.

“It’s totally defamation and social media crime!” said Syarief angrily on Thursday (May 16).

Syarief asked Police to tracking down the account and processed whoever the perpetrator behind the account.

The owner of twitter account @triomacan2000, meanwhile, stated that they’re ready to face the legal process. They, through their twiter account, felt no guilty as they have never mentioned any name on the sexual affairs.

The owner of twitter account @triomacan2000, previously claimed that they got the information from their respected source. The complete story on the sexual affairs’ rumor can be seen here: http://chirpstory.com/li/78530. (written by Haryanto Suharman)