JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said has urged the House of Representatives’ Ethics Council (MKD DPR) to open the ethics trial over the House Speaker Setya Novanto to public.

“I hope MKD to open the trial to public. So, people will know what’s actually going on,” Sudirman asked in a press briefing prior to the Wednesday’s (Dec. 2) trial.

“I will tell everything and I will give any data needed by the MKD,” Sudirmam added.

Sudirman arrived at the meeting room of the MKD at Nusantara II building 2nd floor in the Parliament compound, Senayan, Central Jakarta, at around 12:40 pm of local time.

He is expected to testify in the first ethics trial over Novanto, who is also politician from Golkar Party. The trial will start at 1:00 pm this afternoon.

Previously, Sudirman reported Novanto to the MKD for allegedly abusing his power by promising a favor to PT Freeport Indonesia. Novanto allegedly asked for Freeport’s shares. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)