HONG KONG (Indonesia Today) – Martabe mine in North Sumatra province is now in week 8 of gold production. G-Resources Ltd, controlling shareholder in the mine, claimed that production is proceeding satisfactorily with the ramp up to full production during or before the second quarter (Q2) 2013.

At full capacity, Martabe will produce 250,000 oz/a gold and 2 to 3m oz/a silver.

The main item for completion is the Clean Water Pipeline (CWP) from the plant’s water treatment facility to a discharge point on the nearby Batangtoru River. The CWP is around 50% complete and due for completion and full operation in October 2012.

???Work has recently been interrupted on the CWP because of some community concerns and misunderstandings. Martabe is a high rainfall district and without the capability of discharge of excess clean water from the site, full sustainable operation is not possible. Accordingly ramp-up of the process plant has been temporarily suspended pending satisfactory community consultation,??