JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The rejection from a group of Muslim residents towards the newly elected head of Lenteng Agung subdistrict in South Jakarta, Susan Jasmine Zulkifli (a protestant) continues.

Susan, meanwhile, who has reportedly won the support from many other residents, is trying to play down the situation.

This morning (Aug 28), tens of residents staged a rally in front of the office of Lenteng Agung subdistrict demanding Jakarta Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo to replace Susan.

However, some of protesters revealed that they didn’t know if the rally was aimed to protest Susan and demanding her replacement. They even defend Susan as they know Susan as a good leader and a polite person.

“Ibu Susan has frequently blusukan (a Javanese word for an impromptu visit popularized by Jokowi) to our homes. Personally, I don’t mind (with her leadership),” said one protester.

Susan, meanwhile, stated that she prefers to just focus on her work. She let Governor Jokowi and Vice Governor Basuki ‘Ahoko’ Tjahaja Purnama to decide her future.

“The authority to appoint and dismiss (me) is in the hands of Governor and Vice Governor because they had sworn in me. The important thing now is I’m doing my duties accordance to what had been mandated to me,” said Susan, a graduate from the respected University of Indonesia (UI).

Susan was installed by Jokowi in June after she passed a series of tests in the recent local leader open-call conducted by Governor Jokowi’s administration.

While responding to the recent dynamics, both Governor Jokowi and Vice Governor Ahok stated that they are standing to defending Susan and will not replace Susan due to sectarian or primordialism issues.

This is not the first incident that testing pluralism in the capital city. Previously, Vice Governor Ahok, a Christian of Chinese descent, also suffered by racial and religious slurs in the run up to the Jakarta gubernatorial election last year. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)