JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is expected today (Jan. 29) to examine Richard Joost (RJ) Lino, graft suspect and former President Director of the state port operator PT Pelindo II, in their further investigation into the scandalous Pelindo II’s procurement of 3 units of Quay Container Crane (QCC).

The Friday’s questioning will be the first examination session for Lino. Maqdir Ismail, Lino’s lawyer, meanwhile, has confirmed that his client will answer the KPK’s call.

Maqdir said that Lino will be arrive at the KPK’s office in Kuningan, South Jakarta, at around 10:00 am of Jakarta time.

As reported earlier, the  South Jakarta district court has rejected Lino’s pre-trial lawsuit against the KPK’s decision on naming him as a graft suspect.

Other than the KPK, Lino also under the scrutiny of the National Police. The Police has named Pelindo II’s technical director Ferialdy Noerlan as suspect related to Pelindo II’s procurement of 10 units of mobile crane back in 2013. In this case, the Police has also questioned Lino as a witness for twice. In this case, the Police has already questioned Lino in his capacity as a witness of the case for three times. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)