JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) ??? Antigraft commission KPK continued investigation into the graft case in the police???s procurement of driving simulators with examination of Herry Purnomo, Budgetary Directorate General of Finance Ministry, Tueday (Sep 18).

In the eight hours examination, Herry was questioned as witness for Police Inspector General Djoko Susilo, who earlier was named a graft suspect. Herry, after the examination, explained that he was questioned about the budget ceiling of non-tax revenues.

Herry, however, stated that in the examination he only explained the debt ceiling in general. According to him, the debt ceiling for driving simulator procurement was discussed by Ministry of Finance and National Police.

The case has been under the spotlight after KPK investigators conducted a search at the office of the Traffic Police Corps, Monday (Jul 30). KPK investigators were reportedly facing difficulties to search the office, including obstructions for confiscating some documents.

But unfortunately, investigation over this graft case heats up the recent ???friction??? between KPK and the National Police as both claimed authority to investigate the case.

So far, KPK has named four suspects including National Police???s brigadier general Didik Purnomo and inspector general Djoko Susilo. Police, on the other side, named five people as suspects on the graft case. The difference, there is no name of Djoko Susilo in the Police???s list. Djoko is alleged of violating his authority, which has caused state losses amounting Rp190 billion. (indra@theindonesiatoday.com)