JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Ceramic producer PT Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk (KIAS) suffered loss of Rp48 billion in the first nine months to September of 2015 period, againsts profit Rp78 billion in the corresponding period of 2014.

Revenues declined 7.2% to Rp609 billion. Sales to PT Kokoh Inti Arebama Tbk, major distributor of the group, represented 95.5% of total sales.

Cost of revenues rose 4.4% to Rp570.68 billion from previous Rp546.59 billion and operating cost also doubled to Rp86.8 billion. KIAS’ assets reached Rp2.46 trillion while liability amounted Rp306 billion.

Meanwhile ceramic producer PT Arwana Citra Mulia Tbk (ARNA) posted 19.6% drop in net profit to Rp53 billion in the period, from previous Rp66 billion.

Revenues fell 22.7% to Rp920 billion from earlier Rp1.19 trillion. Sales to PT Catur Sentosa Adiprana Tbk, related party, amounted Rp690 billion or 77.3% of total sales.

ARNA booked forex loss of Rp14.39 billion. Its assets reached Rp1.4 trillion while liability amounted Rp516 billion.