JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Every 10 November, Indonesia celebrates the National Hero Day to honor the Indonesian national hero. But today (Monday) seems to be different as many are very enthusiastic.

Twitter community find that topic of “Selamat Hari Pahlawan” (Happy National Hero) as one of the top ten of worldwide trending topic today.

A number of government and private institutions, public figures and ordinary citizens are posting tweet with 140 character to wish Happy National Hero.

The former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, for instance, posted a tweet saying “A big nation is a nation, which appreciate the struggle of its hero sincerely. Happy National Hero Day” via his twitter handle @SBYudhoyono.

Joshua “J-Flow” Matulessy (handle @jflowrighthere), an Indonesian rapper, said “Happy National Hero Day, let’s respect their struggle by staying united and tolerance”.

This is indeed interesting phenomenon to see how many Indonesian being enthusiastic about the celebration of Indonesia national hero. However, does it mean that the online enthusiasm would be followed with a number of heroic action to help to improve Indonesia to be a better nation? Interesting to see. (oktofani@yosefardi.biz)