JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Indonesia is expected to become the largest digital economic country in Southeast Asia by 2020, where this sector will be one of the major contributors to the national economy.

To achieve this goal, the government has launched a program to create 1,000 teknopreneur or technology-based entrepreneurs, until 2020.

As quoted from press release of Governmental Public Relation Coordination Board (Bakohumas), the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Rudiantara has met one of Google founder Sergey Brin in his office.

This is also a follow up of President Joko Widodo and Menkominfo’s visits to Google headquarters, Silicon Valley, USA, in October.

In addition to 1000 program teknopreneur Rudiantara also explained about the road map of electronic commerce or e-commerce, which is currently also developing very rapidly in Indonesia.

He said that the target contribution of e-commerce can achieve US$130 billion in 2020.

On the same occasion, Sergey Brin said that google strongly supports all digital technology programs of the Indonesian government.

He also appreciated some of Indonesia’s teknopreneur programs that have been successful Indonesia today, for example, Go-Jek, and encouraged to bring their applications to the global level.

On that occasion, Rudiantara and Sergey Brin also discussed the technical program and concrete cooperation between the Indonesian government and Google, among others, the development of Google Loon Project or Google Balloon.

This program became one of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s focus because it can provide solutions of communication or internet access to rural areas. In addition, Google Fiber Project was also discussed, of which Indonesia seriously organizes Fixed Broadband in 2016.