JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Indomobil Wahana Trada (Indomobil Nissan) booked net profit of Rp43.03 billion in 2013, dropped 78.6% from Rp201.19 billion in 2012.

Net sales declined 5.3% to Rp11.42 trillion from previous Rp12.06 trillion. Cost of goods sold also fell 4.2% to Rp10.6 trillion from earlier Rp11.06 trillion.

But selling expense increased 24.3% to Rp629 billion and general & administration cost rose 20% to Rp258 billion.

Its assets totaled Rp6.07 trillion while liability amounted Rp4.4 trillion. It has cash and cash equivalent of Rp549.56 billion.