JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Composite index of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) fell as much as 1.91% in the opening hour Monday (Apr 27) on weak results of blue chip companies in the first quarter of 2015.

Shanghai composite, on the other hand, opened significantly higher by 2.47% to its multi-year high. Hang Seng also gained 1.45%, while Australia’s All Ordinaries advanced 0.7%.

IDX composite was dragged down by blue chip stocks. Astra Agro Lestari fell almost 9% on poor results in the first quarter, while its parent, Astra International lost 1.9%.

State bank Mandiri (BMRI) also collapsed 4.2%, while BRI and BNI lost 3.9% and 3.24% respectively.

Telecommunication company XL Axiata, consumer goods Mayora Indah, and tin producer Timah also fell more than 4% each.