JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – The supervisory team of the House of Representatives (DPR) on Bank Century bailout case will summoning Jusuf Kalla (former Vice President) and Antasari Azhar (former chief of the Corruption Eradication Commission/KPK) next week. Others suggest the team to summon Susno Duadji (former Police detective chief) as well.

The discussion over the case has re-emerged following the confession from Antasari that SBY was the one who led a meeting to discuss the Rp6.7 trillion bailout of Bank Century in 2008.

Deputy House Speaker Pramono Anung, said that the summoning of Kalla and Antasari is scheduled next Wednesday (Sep 12). But, according to Pramono, the schedule will be arranged in a different time.

Pramono also said that after summoning Kalla and Antasari, the House Supervisory team will arrange the meeting with KPK to ask about progress of its investigation over the case.