JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) ??? Former Attorney General Hendarman Supandji has been dragged into the graft case related to Demokrat Party advisor and businesswoman Siti Hartati Murdaya and Buol regent Amran Batalipu.

Tempo on Friday (Sept 14) reveals document of examination over Amran Batalipu that mentioned about Hendarman???s involvement in the case. Hendarman, according Amran in the document quoted by Tempo, had been appointed as director at the company owned by Hartati.

???Related to the issue of 4,500 hectares land, Hartati has conveyed that she has been examined at her office by the team from the Palu High Prosecutor Office, because she was called twice but yet to fulfilling the call. However, because Hendarman Supandji was appointed a director, then the issue handled by the Palu High Prosecutor Office was resolved,??