JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Heineken International BV intends to become controlling shareholder for beer producer PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk (MLBI) by acquiring 75.1% shares from Asia Pacific Breweries Limited (APB).

Currently MLBI is priced at Rp1.2 million per share. For 15.8 million shares, or 75.1% shares held by APB, Heineken would pay Rp18.99 trillion in total for the acquisition. However, Heineken now wholly controls APB.

MLBI’s shareholders needs to make approval on this transaction on extraordinary general meeting (EGM) scheduled for July 16, 2013.

And as the transaction would not change its controlling shareholder, Heineken might not be required to launch a tender offer.

Earlier, Heineken held 75.94% shares of MLBI but in February 2010, Heineken sold 65.1% MLBI shares to APB.