JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) ??? Hary Tanoesoedibjo, President Director of PT Bhakti Investama and politician from National Democrat Party (Nasdem), will testify before the court in the trial of a bribery allegation against Bhakti Monday (Sep 24).

Hary will be testifying as witness for bribery defendant James Gunardjo, a businessman reportedly related to Bhakti. Prosecutor from the antigraft commission KPK summoned Hary to testify as they asses the businessman could give some information regarding the case.

Hary Tanoesoedibjo has earlier been questioned by KPK on the graft allegation case. He, in several occasions, denied the allegation and said that there is an attempt to connect his name with the tax graft allegation. Harry underlined that it was a political move.

KPK, however, dismissed allegations of political motives behind the scheduled examination of the businessman and politician from Nasional Demokrat Party. KPK spokesperson Johan Budi SP said KPK needs to examine Harry because investigators believe he knows something about the case being investigated

Besides Hary, KPK was alsoquestioned BHIT Director Wandy Wira Riady and BHIT Commissioner Antoniues Z Tonbeng.

The graft case has named taxman Tommy Hindratno and businessman reported related to BHIT James Gunardjo. Both were arrested as they have allegedly seized Rp280 million cash money from the suspects. (indra@theindonesiatoday.com)