JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Several civil society groups called themselves as the Movement of Indonesian People’s Decree (GDRI) have urged President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to involve the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the process of vetting new President Directors at state companies.

Ray Rangkuti from GDRI said KPK’s involvement on selecting state companies’ CEO, pretty much like vetting ministerial candidates, will help President to promote the right candidates.

As reported earlier, similar pressures also mounted to President Jokowi to involve KPK and the Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports & Analysis (PPATK) in the process of vetting candidates for other strategic positions. Those strategic positions are, among others, new Attorney General, new Chief of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN), and new Chief of Taxation Directorate General.

Minister of State Apparatus & Bureaucracy Reform Yuddy Chrisnandy, meanwhile, earlier said that the government will conduct an open recruitment to fill the positions of echelon II level at each ministry, such as director generals and deputies. Yuddy said that the decision was made in order to push for transparency and accountability on the selection of high-state officials. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)