JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Government of Indonesia plans to build 4 oil refineries with capacity of 668,000 barrels per day and investment cost of US$23.6 billion.

That oil refineries are located in Medan (North Sumatera), Bontang (East Kalimantan), Cilacap (Central Java), and Tuban (East Java).

Medan refinery will have capacity of 6,000 barrels per day operated by PT Indo Kilang Prima, which costs US$200 million. The construction is scheduled for 2016-2020.

Bontang refinery will have capacity of 300,000 per day operated by PT Pertamina with investment cost of US$10 billion. The construction is scheduled for 2016-2025.

Cilacap refinery will have capacity of 62,000 barrels per day operated by Pertamina with investment cost of US$1.4 billion. The construction is scheduled for 2016-2020.

Tuban refinery will have capacity of 300,000 barrels per day with investment cost of US$12 billion, operated by Pertamina and Saudi Aramco. The construction and production is scheduled for 2016-2025.

This refineries would boost oil refinery capacity in the country to reacg 1,837 million barrels per day by 2025. Currently Indonesia operates 9 refineries with combined capacity of 1,169 million barrels per day.

That 9 refineries are;
1) Dumai refinery (Riau 177,000 barrels per day capacity) operated by Pertamina
2) Plaju (South Sulawesi 127,300) operated by Pertamina
3) Balongan (West Java 125,000) operated by Pertamina
4) Cilacap (Central Java 348,000) operated by Pertamina
5) Cepu (Central Java 3,800) operated by Pusdiklat Migas Cepu
6) Cepu of PT Triwahana Universal 18,000
7) Tuban of PT TPPI (East Java) 100,000
8) Balikpapan (East Kalimantan 260,000) operated by Pertamina
9) Sorong (Papua 10,000) operated by Pertamina.