JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The central government, through the Ministry of Environmental & Forestry, has imposed various form of sanction over 23 companies that already proved behind the forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Those sanction over the 23 companies has been confirmed by Minister of Environmental & Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar during a press conference at the office of the Coordinating Ministry of Politics, Law & Security affairs on Monday (Dec. 21).

Here is the initial of those 23 companies:

1.       PT HSL (Riau)

2.       PT DHL (Jambi)

3.       PT MAS (West Kalimantan)

4.       PT WKS (Jambi)

5.       PT IHM (East Kalimantan)

6.       PT KU (Jambi)

7.       PT BSS (West Kalimantan)

8.       PT BMH (South Sumatra)

9.       PT SWI (South Sumatra)

10.   PT SRL (Riau)

11.   PT PBP (Jambi)

12.   PT BMJ (West Kalimantan)

13.   PT IFP (West Kalimantan)

14.   PT TKM (Central Kalimantan)

15.   PT KH (Central Kalimantan)

16.   PT DML (East Kalimantan)

17.   PT SPW (Central Kalimantan)

18.   PT HE (Central Kalimantan)

19.   PT WAJ (South Sumatra)

20.   PT RPP (South Sumatra)

21.   PT LIH (Riau)

22.   PT TPR (South Sumatra)

23.   PT BACP (North Kalimantan)

In the meantime, the National Police has handed over the dossiers of 3 companies behind the forest fires to the Attorney General Office (AGO) for further investigation. Those 3 companies are PT ASP (Central Kalimantan), PT PHT (South Sumatra), and PT MA (Central Kalimantan).

Previously, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo had repeatedly ordered law enforcement agencies and other related ministries to take a firm sanction against all companies and individuals behind the forest fires. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)