JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) ??? Indonesia government plans to strengthen the mutual legal assistant (MLA) with other countries in order to bring back overseas assets of corruptors, including in Singapore and Thailand.

Djoko Suyanto, Coordinating Minister of Politic, Law and Security, revealed that currently the government confronts some difficulties in bring back the corruptor???s assets overseas.

The minister underlined that corruptors??? action to hide assets overseas is a common behavior nowadays. According to Djoko, Singapore is one of the countries for Indonesian corruptors to hide their money.

In the South East Asia Parties Against Corruption (SEA-PAC) in Yogyakarta, Djoko explained that the independent commission, such as the antigraft commission, KPK, has major role in the issue. ???KPK has an important role (in the issue). The coordination should be enhanced including with Singapore, Thailand, and others,??