JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the government of Indonesia had on Friday (Sept 21) signed a commitment agreement for supporting the country’s food security program.

The program, worth US$45 million, will run for 4 years.

“Indonesia had been now in an unique position as the country with middle-income and member of G-20, with improving financial condition and growing economy. This is the time for Indonesia to act as strategic partner of ??WFP,” said Dwisuryo Indroyono, secretary of welfare coordinating ??ministry.

“WFP will support on achieving food security and nutrition for all people in Indonesia and help Indonesia to lead the world in fighting against food insecurity,” said Coco Ushiyama, WFP’s representative.

Indonesia is the fourth biggest country in the world in term of population which reached 237 million people in 2010. The country ranked 108 of 169 countries by Human Development Index in 2011.

However, food security and lack of nutrition are remain challenges for especially provinces in East Indonesia with relative high stunting. (hans@theindonesiatoday.com)