JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Economist Faisal Basri has been appointed as Head of the newly oil and gas governance reform task force established to, among others, eradicating mafia practices in oil and gas sector.

Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said announced the appointment in a press briefing at his office, Sunday (Nov. 16).

Sudirman said the ad hoc team led by Faisal will work under his coordination.

Born in Nov. 6, 1959, Faisal Basri is widely known as an economist from University of Indonesia (UI). He is still listed as member of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), a position he holds since 2000.

Back in August 1998, Faisal along with Amien Rais and other figures established the National Mandate Party (PAN), a political party now led by Hatta Rajasa. But later he resigned from the party in early 2001. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)