JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named Regent of Empat Lawang Budi Antoni Aljufri and his wife Suzanna as suspects for allegedly bribing Akil Mochtar, former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).

In a press briefing on Thursday (July 2), KPK acting deputy chief Johan Budi SP explained that the case implicating Empat Lawang Regent and his wife is related to the post-election dispute of the 2013 Empat Lawang election.

KPK alleged Budi Antoni Aljufri and his wife for bribing Akil Mochtar with Rp10 billion dan US$500 thousand in the handling of Empat Lawang post-election dispute at the MK. Both Budi Antoni and his wife also allegedly made false testimonies during the trial of said dispute at the MK.

Budi Antoni Aljufri has led Empat Lawang regency in South Sumatra since 2008. He got his second term as Empat Lawang Regent after winning local election in 2013 with support from Golkar and ten other political parties. Budi is Chairman of Golkar for Empat Lawang branch. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)