JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Fears over China slowdown hit shares of mining companies in the region Wednesday (July 3rd).

BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto dropped more than 3% each in Sydney, while Whitehaven Coal collapsed 4.64%.

In Hong Kong, China Shenhua and China Coal Energy, two of the largest coal producers in China, conceded 4.91% and 5.06% respectively.

In Jakarta, Adaro Energy retreated 2.5%, while Berau Coal lost 2.2%. Indika Energy also lost 2.5%, while Bukit Asam and Indo Tambangraya slipped 0.8% and 1% respectively.

Aneka Tambang, Bumi Resources Minerals, and Timah declined 2%, 6%, and 1% respectively.